Thursday, September 16, 2010

Generation One:Chapter Three

Today started off like any normal day would.
I got up to make myself some pancakes.

I'm eating for two now, you know.

I've been thinking I should probably get my cooking skill up,
so that I can make better meals for when we have a family.

But OMG! I started a fire! I could have burned the whole house down.
Terrible timing for a fire, with the baby coming and all.

Luckily, Trenton is pretty good with a fire extinguisher.
He had the fire out before the firemen even arrived.
But I think it was all the excitement that caused me to go into labor!

"Uhh, Trent... I think my water just broke!"

And then the contractions began.
I knew they would hurt but I didn't think it would be this bad!

We rushed to the hospital...

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