Friday, September 24, 2010

Generation One:Chapter Nine

Today was Leah's birthday.

She blew out her candles with help from her daddy.

Then she stood up and did a little spin.

She looks so much older now.

She had a great birthday party. Everyone seemed entertained.

She even made a creepy new friend.

After cake we sent her to the bathroom to make herself more presentable.
She did but then made silly faces. Haha

I still think she looks like her dad.

Nighty-night Leah!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Generation One:Chapter Eight

Trent and Leah are getting along great!

We both love our daughter very much. She's getting so big!

I've done some growing of my own lately as well.
I've gotten a few promotions.

We are trying to teach her how to walk.

I think she's really getting the hang of it.

We are also teaching her to talk.

She's even almost completely potty trained now!

She's such a smart little girl!

She heard Trent playing his guitar and tried to make some music of her own.

We try to read to her everyday.

She can be absolutely adorable sometimes.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Generation One:Chapter Seven

Today was Leah's birthday.

We didn't have a huge party. Just the three of us.

She starting to look a lot more like her dad. She has my eyes though.

Dinner time!

She didn't wanna let go of daddy...

Until she saw the food. Ha ha... Still a little piggy.

She seems to like her baby food.
I wonder if she will like my cooking when she's old enough to eat it.

She's such a happy little munchkin.

I think tomorrow we will go get her some cuter PJs and maybe a new hairdo.

Generation One:Chapter Six

Trent offered to watch Leah today so that I could get some me-time.

He's really good with her.

But as soon as I got to the library, my boss was there and not feeling well.
I ran some tests right then.

Turns out she just had the flu.

And I luckily even had the medicine for it with me.

She thought that the pill was rather large and wasn't sure if she could swallow it.

But she gave it a shot anyways.

I hope she feels better soon.

Generation One:Chapter Five

Spending so much time at home has given me time to get better at cooking.

I can even flip pancakes properly now.

Doesn't it look delicious?

I'm even learning new recipes.

I made Mac&Cheese for dinner tonight.
(I don't even bother getting dressed nowadays though...)

Trent is doing great at his job.

He seems to really enjoy it.

Generation One:Chapter Four

We had a beautiful baby girl! Meet Leah.

I was pretty excited when I found out that she usually sleeps all night!

It gives me time to do the little things that need to be done around the house.

Like laundry...

But around 5am every morning it becomes Leah time!

I don't mind though... I love taking care of our daughter.

She sure eats alot!

She's such a sweetie!

I love giving her kisses.

Trent tries to help out as much as he can.
But he's our main source of income right now because I'm on maternity leave.

Me and Leah have been spending so much time at home...

It was about time we got out.
So, we went to the book store to buy some books for when she's a toddler.